Sunday, May 17, 2020

Radicalisation And Radicalization Of Terrorism - 1513 Words

For the past two decades, there has be in increase in international and domestic terrorism in the world. Due to major attacks such as the Oklahoma bombing and 9/11 has been the cause of this increase. Many other attacks had raised concerns of the use of modern technologies and the reality of radicalization of terrorism. Terrorism is one of the oldest tactics in history and yet one of the hardest to define. In a number of literature, it points out that terrorism is constantly evolving and it has been passed through different groups of terrorists. Schelling (1996) explains that the use of violence to terrorize the enemy is as old as human warfare. But there is a difference between more forms of terrorism and older forms of phenomenon.†¦show more content†¦For example, a terrorist believe the term radical is seen as a stereotype infringed by the enemy that is intended to vilify the aims and objectives that the terrorist deems to be justified and morally legitimate Borum ( 2004). One must take into account the predicament and ambiguity raised in these debates about who is terrorist. A radical terrorist would believe that the American government is the real terrorist. In understanding the world view of a radical, one must take into account how they perceive themselves. Also what contributes to the psychological, social and ideological makeup of a terrorist. In order to do so, one must define terrorism and radical. Terrorism is defined as a threatened use of force by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or its territories without foreign direction committed against persons or property (Terrorism 2002- 2005: FBI). Terrorism has opened to numerous interpretations, most of them being from conflicting point of views. Understanding the term terrorism is often difficult from a semantic point of view. Understanding it require a holistic and sensibility and is more realistically achieve through a relative cultural, po litical, and historical understanding of this phenomenon. This associate itself with the complexity of understanding terrorism in the terms of its distinction of criminal activities. Townshend (2002)Show MoreRelatedThe History Of The North Atlantic Alliance1763 Words   |  8 Pagessole official use of NATO’s collective power through Article 5 to this date occured after the September 11th attacks on the United States, in which the allied force went to war in Afghanistan against Taliban and Al Qaeda, fortified Kabul from radicalization, trained counter-terror Iraqi soldiers, and prevented the spillover of terror outside the middle-east. This mission was concluded in 2014, and is NATO is now engaged in refining democracy and stability in the area within a peacekeeping capacity

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