Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is Self-Indentity free essay sample

What Is Self Identity? â€Å"A mans true state of power and riches is to be in himself. † This quote was said by Henry Ward Beecher, a congregationalist, clergyman, social reformer, abolitionist, and speaker in the late nineteenth century America. One may wonder, what is self identity? Everyone has his or her own image or trait that defines them personally. Each person’s self identity is different, and different factors may effect it. Self identity is how one presents his or her self to people around them, and to them-self. Self identity may be defined as how one is compared to others by appearance, individuality, or culture. A person may look at a coworker, friend, or relative and immediately know who they are as a person because of his or her appearance. The way someone looks can largely effect how they look to the rest of the world. A person’s appearance is a big part of one’s self identity. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Self-Indentity? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If someone has a lot of tattoos and piercings, he or she could be perceived as a bad-ass. Another person may be wearing very conservative clothes and always have a smile. He or she may be looked at as very innocent and sweet. The way one looks to others is not the only factor that defines a person’s self identity. Individuality is also a large part of self identity. Every person has his or her own way of showing who he or she is to the world. No two people on Earth are exactly the same, inside or out. Being unique is something that everyone should strive to be. Many people today are sucked into the media, trying to become someone he or she is not. One will never find his or her own self identity while trying to become someone else that society is attracted to. Each person has his or her own personality traits, like being outgoing, shy, or a great friend. No one should try and be someone he or she is not, just to be liked by others. A person should be liked for his or her own self identity, not for a fake self identity that someone portrays. Many people define his or her self identity by the race or culture one belongs to. Someone of African decent that was born in America will still say he or she is African-American because that is where his or her cultural background is from. A person may hide from his or her cultural background because one is ashamed of the culture he or she comes from. Some people may hide from his or her background because one does not know a lot about it. Knowing about one’s ancestors and what they contributed to the world is very important. It may help define one’s own self identity. It is important that one embraces his or her own heritage and lets it shine through in his or her own self identity. Many different things may effect one’s self identity. A person’s career choice may be affected by his or her self identity and what one believes he or she will be good at. One may be identified by his or her family or social status. A person with not very much money may be seen as poor and unsuccessful, but a person with a lot of money could be seen as a very successful, rich individual. The social status of a person may also show when it comes to one’s home, possessions, and clothes. People who have more will be seen as successful, and people who do not have as much will be seen as unsuccessful, although this is not always the case. Someone could also be identified by their schooling and education. A person who is smart and well-rounded when it comes to education will be looked at more highly than a person who is not as smart. Although a person may be identified as unsuccessful at some point in his or her life, self identity is always changing. That person who was unsuccessful may become successful by things that change in his or her life. When a person is a child, he or she may be very outgoing and talkative, but as one transitions into being a teenager, he or she could become very shy. During a person’s teenage years, he or she may go through more than one identity change, because that is what those years are all about. Finding out who he or she is to the rest of the world. Once one finds out who he or she is in the years of being a teenager, it may change again as that person goes into a career. One’s self identity will change again after becoming a parent, having an empty nest, and then again as this person becomes elderly. Although one’s self identity may always be changing, it will revolve around the same elements. Self identity may be defined by a person’s appearance, individuality, or culture. Self identity is how one shows who they are to the people around them. Self identity is always changing, no matter what state of life one is in. One may be shy in high school, but once he or she reaches college, that person may become very friendly and outgoing. Different factors effect someones self identity like family, social class, or career choice. Self identity is a very important trait to know about one’s self. It is important to let this part of one’s personality shine through for everyone to see. Now one may ask them-self:: what is my own self identity?

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